Competitions News: June, 2019
The Saltburn Golf Club 2019 competition season is now well under way. If you are entered into any of the knockout events, please try to get them played before the last date. All knockouts rounds are scheduled to be completed on the same date so if you are still playing in more than one competition and you leave arrangement of matches to the last day, you will have a problem!
The Shaw Cup Final (Men’s Stableford) was played over 18 holes on Saturday 18th May. There was no outright winner on the day and so a play-off will be held over a further 18 holes between Steve Ferguson and Rob Nixon.
The Centenary Bowls is a mixed competition which takes place every May. This year, thanks to the sterling efforts of Dorothy and Ian Coombs, there was a full start sheet of 26 pairs turning out on Sunday 19th May. The weather was kind, and there were some excellent scores, with third place for Kevin and Julie Mannering (67), second place for Heather Taylor and Bryan Durrant (65.2) and the winners, with 64.4 were Kim Blythe and Colin Higgins.
New Handicap System
Many of you may be unaware of the new upcoming World Handicapping System. The new handicapping system is scheduled to be introduced and commence in January 2020, although latest intelligence suggests that this might be delayed until September 2020. There is a lot of available information on the internet about the new system and what it entails and it is suggested that players read available literature to get an idea of what will be involved in the new system and how it will work.
Online Payment
After trialling a system of on-line payment for men’s competitions, it is now regrettably being discontinued. Every on-line payment transaction attracts a fee from the finance company and this makes the system too costly to be continued. Payments for competition entries can be made at the bar (i.e. the ‘old’ system) where a receipt book is kept. If you have not paid and receipted you will not be accepted into the competition.
Course Conditions
In order to keep our course in good condition, we all have a responsibility to rake the bunkers, repair pitch marks, replace divots. Bunker raking is becoming a particular problem and for those who don’t know how to do it or need a refresher, please watch the short video on the following link: