Seniors Men's Open No 1 2025
Format: Texas scramble
Handicap: A Senior Men’s Non-Qualifying 25%/20%/15%/10% from lowest to highest playing handicap
Entry: £60
Tees: White tees
Format: Texas scramble
Handicap: A Senior Men’s Non-Qualifying 25%/20%/15%/10% from lowest to highest playing handicap
Entry: £60
Tees: White tees
Format: Stableford Rumble
Handicap: 90% Non-qualifying (4 of 4 scores)
Entry: £60 per team
Tees: Red
Format: 4BBB Stableford
Handicap: 85% (1 of 2 scores)
Entry: £32 per pair
Tees: White and red
Format: Stableford Betterball
Handicap: 85% Non-qualifying (1 of 2 scores)
Entry: £34 per pair
Tees: White
Format: Texas Scramble
Handicap: 25% 20% 15% 10% from lowest to highest
Entry: £60 per team
Tees: White
Format: Juniors open qualifying individual stableford competition
Handicap: Up to 54.0 handicap index with 95% of course handicap
Entry: £5.00
Tees: Yellow & Red tees
Format: A Greensomes Stableford Competition
Handicap: Team handicap allowance is 60% of lower plus 40% of higher
Entry: £32 per pair
Tees: Yellow tees for men, red tees for ladies.
Format: Texas Scramble
Handicap: 25% 20% 15% 10% from lowest to highest
Entry: £60 per team
Tees: White
Format: Stableford Reverse Waltz (3-2-1)
Handicap: Maximum 33.0, 90% allowance
Entry: £45.00 per team
Tees: Red
Format: Texas Scramble
Handicap: 25% 20% 15% 10% from lowest to highest
Entry: £56 per team
Tees: White
Format: Texas Scramble
Handicap: 25% 20% 15% 10% from lowest to highest
Entry: £56 per team
Tees: White
Format: Stableford Betterball
Handicap: 85% Non-qualifying (1 of 2 scores)
Entry: £30 per pair
Tees: White
Format: Stapleford
Handicap: Maximum 36 with 90% allowance
Entry: £48 per team
Tees: Red
Format: Mixed Double Greensome
Handicap: Team 60% lower plus 40% higher
Entry: £24 per pair
Tees: Yellow & Red
Format: Texas Scramble
Handicap: 25% 20% 15% 10% from lowest to highest
Entry: £50 per team
Tees: White
Format: 4BBB Stableford
Handicap: 85% Non-qualifying (1 of 2 scores)
Entry: £25 per team
Tees: Yellow
Format: Texas Scramble
Handicap: 25% 20% 15% 10% from lowest to highest
Entry: £40 per team
Tees: White
Format: Mixed Double Greensome
Handicap: Team 60% lower plus 40% higher
Entry: £20 per pair
Tees: Yellow & Red
Format: Stableford Betterball
Handicap: 85% Non-qualifying (1 of 2 scores)
Entry: £24 per pair
Tees: White
Format: 4BBB Stableford
Handicap: 85% (1 of 2 scores)
Entry: £20 per pair
Tees: White & Red
Format: Stableford Rumble
Handicap: 90% Non-qualifying (4 of 4 scores)
Entry: £40 per team
Tees: Red
Format: Double Greensome Stableford
Handicap: 60% lower 40% higher Ladies +2 shots
Entry: £20 per pair
Tees: Yellow (Mens) Red (Ladies)
Format: Texas Scramble
Handicap: 25% 20% 15% 10% from lowest to highest
Entry: £36 per team
Tees: White
Format: Stableford Betterball
Handicap: Non-qualifying 9/10
Entry: £24 per pair
Tees: White
Format: Stableford Betterball
Handicap: Non-qualifying 9/10
Entry: £20 per pair
Tees: Red & white
Format: Stableford Rumble
Handicap: Non-qualifying 9/10
Entry: £40 per team
Tees: Red
Format: Stableford Betterball
Handicap: Non-qualifying 9/10
Entry: £20 per pair
Tees: Yellow
Format: Texas scramble
Handicap: Max 18. Allowance is 10% of combined handicaps
Entry: £36 per team of 4 players
Tees: White
Format : Pairs, Stableford, one score to count on each hole
Handicap: Max 22 before allowance of 90% (higher handicappers may play but will be off 22)
Entry: £24 per pair
Tees: White
Payment required at time of booking.
Format: Double Greensomes
Handicap: Gents Max 28, Ladies 36. Allowance is 60% of lowest plus 40% of highest
Entry: £20 per team of 2 players
Tees: Yellow
Further Information | View Entrants | View Startsheet | Rules
Format: Texas scramble
Handicap: Max 18. Allowance is 10% of combined handicaps
Entry: £36 per team of 4 players
Tees: White
Format: 4BBB Stableford
Handicap: Max 28 with 90% allowance (effectively 25)
Entry: £20 per team of 2 players (Two 16-28 or one 8-15 with one 16-28)
Tees: Yellow
Format: 4BBB Stableford
Handicap: Max 24 with 90% allowance (effectively 22)
Entry: £24 per team of 2 players
Format: 4BBB Stableford
Handicap: Gents Max 24 with 90% allowance (effectively 22)
Ladies Max 36 with 90% allowance (effectively 32) plus one extra stroke
Entry: £20 per team of 2 players
Tees:Gents – White, Ladies Red (using Ladies index)
9/10 Handicap
A Ladies Non-Qualifying Open Competition.
Teams of 4 with a maximum handicap of 36, 90% allowance.
Format: Stableford Handicap: maximum handicap 36, 90% allowance.
Two scores to count, with all scores to count on 3 specified holes.
Format: 4BBB Stableford, one score to count
Handicap: Max 24 with 90% allowance (effectively 22)
Entry: £20 per team of 2 players
Tees: Yellow
4 Man team Texas Scramble
Handicap 1/10th combined team handicaps - Max 18
£36 per 4 man team
Mike Johnson: 01287 622275
Double Greensome Stableford
(60% higher + 40% lower handicap. Max: Men 28, Ladies 36)
£20 per two person team
4 BBB Stableford (Handicap - max 24, 90% allowance so playing off 22)
Entry Fee £20, per two man team, includes 2 ball sweep, nearest the pin, hole in one.
Open to Gentlemen 55 years and over.
Mike Johnson: 01287 622275