Greens Notice: June, 2019


There have been many recent conversations between members, and concerns expressed regarding the present bumpy and slow condition of the greens. We mentioned in an earlier Newsletter that the greens had suffered from an unusually dry start to the season, although this is not directly related to their present condition. Our Head Greenkeeper, Phil Walshall advises that we often face similar problems at this time of year as the grasses are seeding. The remedy is to use a verti-cut machine to remove a lot of the waste grass and seeding grasses. The verti-cut machine improves speed and surface quality of the greens almost immediately and, weather permitting, two applications of the verti-cut process to our greens will be completed before the end of May.

Members will have noticed the bare area of soil to the left-hand side of the 18th tee - this is receiving attention and over the next two weeks the spreading of wild flower seeds will take place, hopefully resulting in a very attractive wild flower garden.

At this time of year the greens team are increasing their work on tee areas, especially the par 3's, and fertilisers are being used to improve grass quality.




